
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Cameron's Conservative MEPs vote against European Green Change

The Green/EFA group in the European Parliament has provided a great site where we can find how our MEPs voted.

I checked out a few of the voting patterns of the Conservative group in the European Parliament. The results are below. The results should make David Cameron feel sick to his stomach, make him realise how completely he has failed to "green" his party.

It is another example of the way that politicians love to give out sound bites which are a green veneer to their party's stercoric voting record.

In this Euro-election campaign Dave "Spare Change" Cameron will be uttering his mellifluous assurances about the "green" credentials of his NuCon party, but we know better.

Here is the record:
Conservative MEPs:
  • Wanted to exclude major polluting industries from pollution limits under EU legislation
  • Insisted on exempting big, polluting cars from stricter pollution standards under EU legislation
  • Wanted weaker car CO2 emissions limits and wants to delay these limits in line with the demands of the manufacturers
  • Supported weaker rules to regulate hazardous chemicals
  • Thought the EU should ignore the scientific advice it has already accepted and set lower, insufficient targets for CO2 emissions
  • Thought EU climate policies should not reflect the reality necessary to prevent dangerous global warming
  • Opposed closing tax havens and capping bankers' bonuses
  • Believed human rights in Turkmenistan were less important than access to its gas
  • Wanted weaker car CO2 emissions limits and wants to delay these limits in line with the demands of the manufacturers
  • Did not believe new power plants should be built to the cleanest possible standards
  • Did not believe the EU's energy efficiency target should be made binding
  • Did not believe the EU should have a plan to phase out dangerous nuclear power
So there we go. Do not believe what the Tories say - look at what they do.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent summary, which says it all as far as the Con party goes.
