
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Refuting the BNP arguments

Everyone wants to sideline the BNP (except its supporters), but the best way to do so is to refute their arguments.


1 The BNP is very close to the authoritarian position occupied by the Nazis on Political Compass.

2 The BNP is using the same scapegoating techniques on immigrants as the Nazis used against the Jews, Romanies and Communists.

3 Their ideology is the politics of hate, and will end in intercommunal violence if is does not die away, as it surely will, when they have their next schism, as the incompetence of their elected members becomes more widely recognised, and as their arguments become exposed to analysis.

4 The British people have recently shown themselves sympathetic to the position of one special group of immigration applicants, the Ghurkas, and many other immigrants have also done, and are doing, great service to Britain.

5 Giving asylum to people fleeing oppression is an honorable British tradition, which the BNP seeks to end.

6 Going for global economic and political equity, as the Green Party seeks to do, and the Index of Human Rights, is the only humane and civilised way to stem the flow of refugees into this country.

7 Government must address the lack of housing and jobs, so that the BNP cannot claim that migrants are "taking our houses and jobs".

More on Hope not Hate
and Searchlight.

Here is a neat video explaining the voting system and why the Green Vote is necessary to keep the BNP Griffin from becoming an MEP in the North West.

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