
Friday, May 08, 2009

Tarnished UK LibDem record in Eurpoean Parliament votes

The Greens/EFA group on the European Parliament have a vote tracker, to show how parties voted in the Parliament. See below for the Tories' abysmal record. I have gone through the liberal group record on Environment, public health, energy and climate change, and pasted them below. Though not as apalling as the Tories, they have made some surprisingly bad decisions, undermining the claim of the LibDems to be "green". They are not the greens, they are a bunch ov very naughty boys and girls.

UK Liberals :
* Insisted on exempting big, polluting cars from stricter pollution
standards under EU legislation
* Supported weaker rules to regulate hazardous chemicals
* Supported reclassifying waste incineration to promote its use
* Supported the minimum necessary EU greenhouse gas emissions
reduction targets
* Supported the necessary steps to avoid dangerous global warming by
delivering domestic emissions reductions
* Wanted weaker car CO2 emissions limits and wants to delay these
limits in line with the demands of the manufacturers
* Wanted aviation to be treated more leniently than other industries
in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reductions
* Wanted to let airlines off the hook and exempt them from paying
for their pollution
* Supported an emissions performance standard ensuring only the
cleanest power plants could be built
* Supported making the EU's energy efficiency target binding
* Some MEPs did not believe the EU's energy efficiency target should
be made binding as to the potential damaging consequences, others
had no opinion
* Did not believe the EU should have a plan to phase out dangerous
nuclear power
* Did not believe new EU nuclear safety rules should be designed to
promote the highest possible safety standards
* Did not want the use of public funds for nuclear research to be
limited to research into nuclear safety
* Some MEPs did not believe the EU's energy efficiency target should
be made binding as to the potential damaging consequences, others
had no opinion

Will the schmedia give space and time to these kind of facts? Does the Pope clean his natal cleft with a handful of leaves?

If you think green, vote green.

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