
Sunday, June 07, 2009

Mandelson portrays 'insecure' Brown in email

Ananova - Mandelson portrays 'insecure' Brown

"Business Secretary Lord Mandelson portrayed Gordon Brown as "insecure, self-conscious ... and angry", according to a leaked email appearing in the Mail on Sunday .

... It was sent in January 2008 - before Lord Mandelson rejoined the Government - to ex-Labour spin doctor Derek Draper who was then acting as an unofficial adviser to Mr Brown.

In it he states: "He is a self-conscious person, physically and emotionally. He is not as comfortable with his own skin as Tony (Blair) was (is). A new public persona cannot be glued on to him."

And "Lordy" Mandyavellie is Deputy Prime Minister, so if Poor Gord has a heart attack like the lamented John Smith and Robin Cook, or if he should suddenly have a lapse into cognitive lucidity and resign, the noble Lord, Lord Mandelbrot will be Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

God help us. Lord hear our cry. (No, not you, Mandy, the other One).


  1. I don't think Deputy Prime Minister works quite like that, at least not exactly.

  2. You may be right GG; it is a murky issue, but someone has to take over the premiership if PoorGordon gets accidentally pushed out of a window. Since John Prescott has left active politics to spend more time with his pies, there has been no Deputy PM, and First Secretary of State, which is what Lord Mandelbrot now is, is an honorific title roughly equivalent Deputy PM, with responsibilities for nothing, which in Manglesons case can be taken to be everything, especially because he is like an eel which has been genetically modified with wiliness genes taken from an exceptionally wily fox. Note also that Peter Mandelson's initials are PM, which are also the initials for Prime Minister.

    It is surely no coincidence that "Tony Blair, a PM" is an anagram of "I am Tory Plan B".
