
Monday, October 19, 2009

Marine Reservations amendment to Marine Bill

The Government is set to pass a weak piece of legislation on marine protection. It needs beefing up to protect the ocean as an ecosystem, and a specific part of this is by creating Marine Reservation Areas, where fish can bred and develop without having the process disrupted by fishing.

This is not difficult concept for legislators to understand; the best way to put it is "Do not kill the goose that lays golden eggs".

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For the attention of: xxxx MP House of Commons SW1A OAA Amendment 3 to Report Stage of Marine and Coastal Access Bill I am asking for your support for Amendment 3 tabled by Katy Clark MP to the Report Stage of the Marine and Coastal Access Bill on Monday 26th October in the House of Commons. Amendment 3 relates to Clause 117 of the Bill, and reads: Clause 117 : Grounds for the designation of MCZs (Amendment in bold)
(1) The appropriate authority may make an order under section 116 if it thinks that it is desirable to do so for the purpose of conserving -
(a) marine flora and fauna;
(b) marine habitats or types of marine habitat; (c) features of geological or geomorphological interest;
(d) the marine ecosystem as a whole.

This amendment is concerned with placing highly protected marine reserves on the face of the Act. The protection of “the marine ecosystem as a whole” is the agreed definition of a highly protected marine reserve. The Government and the front bench of other parties have declared their commitment to highly protected marine reserves, but do not want a duty in law placed upon them to create such reserves. This amendment respects that declaration. Instead, it simply establishes a power to create highly protected reserves, without any duty to do so being placed on the Secretary of State. Highly protected marine reserves are a key tool in the rebuilding of fish stocks and the repair of seriously damaged marine ecosystems. This amendment ensures that this tool will exist in law. It can only be used by the Secretary of State to protect fish stocks within the 6 nautical mile limit, but its existence in UK law will enable the Government to persuade the EU that a reform of the Common Fisheries Policy should embrace a similar power to protect our fish stocks from 6 nautical miles out to 200 nautical miles. This is a first step to secure this important change to the CFP. As I say, Amendment 3 only creates a power and not a duty on the Secretary of State. So, may I ask you to consider placing your name to Amendment 3 on the Order Paper for Report Stage on 26th October, and that you will be in the House on that day to vote for Amendment 3.

Yours sincerely

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