
Monday, October 05, 2009

New Rwandan Green Party hit by bureaucrats

From Rwanda News Agency
Green party calls for international support
By RNA Reporter Saturday, 03 October 2009 Kigali:

Following the abrupt cancellation of its founding conference Friday, the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda is now seeking international backing, RNA reports.

“We encourage and request for regional and International cooperation from all Green Parties and Movements in the world to continually stand with us in this struggle for genuine democracy in Rwanda,” party officials said in a statement.

The document is also signed by Mr. Toussaint HINVI – of the Green Party of Benin and also the Coordinator for West African Greens Network, and Board member of Burundi Green Movement, Ms. Anne Marie BIHIRABAKE, who had come to take part at cancelled congress.

Mr. HINVI and Ms. BIHIRABAKE, were present at what was to be the opening ceremony Friday morning where some 900 delegates coming from all the 30 districts of Rwanda, had gathered.

“Suddenly and regrettably”, party interim president Mr. Frank Habineza says, somebody from the district called him to “come and pick” a letter signed by the Mayor of Nyarugenge District stopping the meeting, which prior permission to hold the meeting was in possession.

“This permission is evidenced by the Letter he signed on 25th Sept 2009 Ref.No.4073/01.01 and the denial is reference number is 4155/01.01 of 01/10/2009 which realistically was received on 2nd October 2009 in the morning hours,” Habineza claims.

“This was the third congress being cancelled, using legal pretext”.

RL: Rwanda has a coalition government to avoid the factionalism that led to the massacres, but you would expect that a Green Party - by definition rising above tribal loyalties in its concern with the health of the natural environment that we hold in common - would be welcomed rather than frustrated. Hope that President Kagame is not setting off on the path that leads to dictatorship.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Richard

    Thanks so much for putting this on your blog. This is well recorded you can also add the article" sad day for democracy in Rwanda'

    Thanks alot

