
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Norwegians sue Trafigura for waste explosion

This is a Google Translation of a report from our Norwegian friends , Synnove Bakke

September this year, NRK hold of internal e-mails and reports from Trafigura. Of the documents shows that oil dealer knew that the waste was toxic and could result in death.
In addition, the e-mails that Trafigura was aware that it was illegal to cleaning gasoline product in the whole EU area. Chairman of the West Tank, Trond Emblem, says to NRK that they never received information about this.

- If we had known this had we never entered into an agreement with the company, "said Emblem.

Vest Tank has always claimed that they believed that the waste they received was ordinary Slope waste, and that it was not hazardous waste. In direct contact with Trafigura said Vest Tank specifically about this and was told that this was not waste requiring special permits. Of Trafigura's internal e-mails, it appears that this was not the case. Trafigura discusses internal waste caustic, toxic waste that requires special permissions.

Western Tank is by the NRK knows not set a specific amount in lawsuit against Trafigura. But after that NRK will experience such a claim amount to a major in the millions.

Trafigura Norwegian lawyer confirms that they have received the writ, but rejects lawsuit that reason resolved. Beyond that, they have no further comment to NRK.

Criminal case that Økokrim has targeted Western Tank starts in Nordhordland District Court 2 November.

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