
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Osborne: "We are all in this together". NOT!!

Isn't it funny how you can never find a Marxist when you need one?

The sentient world gazes in numbed disbelief at the spectacle of the Conservative Party, who will (barring either divine intervention or a sudden accession of the electorate to a rudimentary grasp on reality) form the next government of the UK, drawing up and presenting its plans to punish those on low incomes who have the temerity to use, and indeed to work in, public services.

The key phrase is George Osborne's seven times repeated mantra: "We are all in this together".


You and your clique are rich, privileged MPs with private means, and you are chums with the banksters whose stupid, systemic errors have created the enormous debt that has been dumped onto the public sector, to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds for every citizen.

To you, George, £10,000 is a trivial number to be written on a cheque and popped in an envelope. To your recently-made-redundant low skilled constituent, £10,000 represents the net profit of a lifetime of work - if they are lucky.

Your banksters chums have not only succeeded in annihilating millions of such lifetimes' savings with their fraudulent activities, have not only continued with Business as Usual, have not only dumped their losses on the public sector, but are also manipulating both the Tories and the NuLabs into making public sector cuts.

We are emphatically not all in this together. On one side, there are the banksters and the NuLabTory complex, on the other side are the longsuffering people, the turkeys of the Murdoch-reading masses who are about to vote for Christmas.

God, it makes me angry. In fact I am so angry that it makes me want to join some revolutionary socialist marxist leninist groupuscule and spend the rest of my life ranting against the analytical errors of some other revolutionary socialist marxist leninist groupuscule. That's how angry I feel. It'll pass.


  1. It made my blood boil too.

    The Today Programme had an interesting take on the expression though. I gather that GO nicked it from High School Musicial which would explain his apparent lack of grip on reality.

  2. Stuart

    Thank God! I thought I was alone in my mental turmoil. What is the nature of this High School Musical of which your speak?

  3. I had nothing to do with it. I've given you brains, sort it out. I'm all out of miracles!

  4. Hi,

    Good post. In fact (as a member of Green Party in Calderdale) I suggested using a section from your post in a letter that is being sent to our local press with regards to selling of public assets:

    "The Green Party would like to know whether or not the sitting Halifax Labour MP, Linda Riordan, and the Tory Parliamentary Candidate, Philip Allot are against the sell off of local assets such as the Piece Hall or North Bridge leisure centre, or have the banks not only succeeded in annihilating millions of peoples lifetimes' savings with their fraudulent activities, not only continued with Business As Usual, have not only dumped their losses on the public sector, but are also manipulating both the Tories *and* New Labour into making public sector cuts?"

    I hope this is OK with you -- please do let me know if not and I will make sure that this is not sent!

    Best regards

  5. Hi Olly
    I am delighted and honoured that you have used this approach. Hope it gets in. It will be more likely to make it into the paper if you break the long sentence up into two or three shorter ones.
