This is our second letter to them:
July 25, 2013
Lisa Sunley
Land Registry
Land Registry
Lisa Sunley
Title number ST252441
you for your letter dated 24 July.
you say that the time periods for response are given to enable registration
applications to be “dealt with and completed within a reasonable time”. Given
that 218 (two hundred and eighteen) years have elapsed between the
Church Commissioners having allegedly given themselves the “right” to the
minerals under the soil of which we are now fortunate to be the stewards, 15
(fifteen) days not seem to be a just and proportionate length of time,
and would suggest that 15 years would be a more reasonable length of time.
a legible transcript, we were amused by your suggestion that we should visit
Durham or London (as you see, we live in Somerset) to view a transcript of the
original document, as it reminds us of the statements emanating from the Vogons
in Douglas Adams well-known novel “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”. You
must hold, or know of someone who holds, an electronic transcript of the
transcript, and we are not being unreasonable in asking you to forward the
relevant part to us on paper or as an email attachment.
grounds for objection are twofold. In the first place, you say in your letter
that the Act of Parliament that initiated the Enclosures “authorised the
commissioners to divide up the commons and allot them to the people who were
entitled to them”. However, at the time of the Enclosures, the people who were
entitled to the common land were the common people who grazed the land for
their subsistence. As you know, the Enclosures were nothing but a land grab on
the part of the elites of the time against land that was hitherto in common
The procedures
of the Inclosures Act were widely abused. “ Even if it is assumed
that a Parliamentary Committee, largely composed of landed proprietors, was
always disinterested on questions affecting land, little trouble seems to have
been taken to elicit the opinions of small claimants. Schemes of enclosure
rarely began with a public meeting of the parish. The principal owners
generally met in secret, arranged the points in which their own interests
conflicted, selected the solicitor and surveyor, nominated the Commissioners,
settled the terms of the petition. Even the next step--that of obtaining
signatures--might be taken privately.”
retrieved 25.7.2013
it is clearly too late to undo all the wrongs inflicted on the common people by
the original Inclosures Act, accepting a
given historic injustice should not lead us to accept unquestioningly a
modern application of the same injustice.
mineral wealth of a nation rightly and justly belongs to the nation as a whole.
This is a simple geographic fact in popular usage, as when it is said that
“South Africa has mineral wealth” or “the UK has the best wind resource in
Europe”. The possession of wealth of a state is also expressed in practice in
allocating a national dividend arising from wealth derived from minerals, as
instanced in the distribution of a Basic or Citizens’ Income to citizens of
Namibia and Alaska as a result of a windfall.
clearly, mineral wealth needs to be mined and refined in order to become a form
of income, and here land stewardship comes into play. This stewardship must be carried out ethically, violating neither
people nor the environment.
brings us to the central issue. In that the Church Commissioners are asserting
their rights for the first time in more than two centuries at a time when the
extraction of shale gas and other forms of extreme fossil fuel exploitation in
the UK is building up, it is perfectly reasonable to suppose that the two
events are related.
it may be that the Church Commissioners are putting forward their claim in
order to prevent the exploitation of shale gas and other forms of extreme
energy because their Christian ethic would see this as a despoliation of God’s
creation, both locally in water pollution, air pollution by methane, increased
rural traffic movements et cetera. In this case, they should make their intentions
clear, and we can evaluate their claim in that light.
on the other hand the Church Commissioners are putting forward this claim in
order to profit from the exploitation of shale gas and other forms of extreme
energy in contradiction of the Christian ethic they should make again make
their intentions clear, and we can evaluate their claim in that light.
will no doubt say that this is a matter for the Commissioners, not for the Land
Registry. In that case, I would be grateful if you would forward it to the
relevant department of the Commissioners.
are the provisional and brief grounds of our objection. We reserve the right to
make other objections as they may become apparent to us.
Richard Lawson Nicola Lawson
`What a fabulous, factual letter! I am in the same position, having received The Land Registry letter here in south somerset. For some reason the Church has showed great interest in my goat field, whilst neither of my neighbours have had such correspondence. I have appealed and the Church have objected. I would love some advice how to proceed. Best of wishes, Debbie Henry