
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Attorney General should override Director of Public Prosecutions over Janner

I wrote to the Attorney General about the Janner case on 19th April as he is the chief Law Officer, responsible for prosecutions. No answer yet. This is a chase-up.

17 June 2015

Attorney General’s Office
Victoria Street

cc Caroline Lucas MP
John Penrose MP

Dear Attorney General

Reference: CPS decision on Lord Janner of Blackstone

I wrote to you on 19th April but have not had an acknowledgement or reply. It may be that my original letter miscarried so I enclose a copy.

Since I wrote, it has emerged that in June 2014 Janner was re-appointed to Parliament's joint committee on consolidation bills. There are only two explanations for this state of affairs. Either he is able to function on this committee, in which case he is not demented, or he is being given privileges and resources that should go to an able Parliamentarian, in which case there is a serious mismanagement of Parliamentary affairs. Which is the correct explanation?

You should know that there is a very widespread feeling among common people that Janner's case is evidence that there is one law for the rich and influential and another for the common people. You know that this perception leads to a dangerous sentiment that undermines respect for Parliament and Law.

Alison Saunders has clearly made an error of judgement in deciding against a Trial of the Facts in Janner's case. As you have supervisory powers over prosecutions, please take action to correct this situation.

I look forward to a timely response to all the points made in this letter and my previous letter.

Respectfully yours

Dr Richard Lawson

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