
Monday, January 16, 2017

Lines on the inauguration of Donald Trump

The USA has had a dump 
And dropped upon the world a lump
Of self regarding vanity
-The Leadership of Donald Trump.

Some hope he's just a harmless chump
But reason fears we'll hear the crump
Of shells and bombs; calamity
Of conflict caused by Donald Trump. 

'Says Washington's a filthy sump;
He says he's going to drain the swamp.
But reason says he'll swamp the drain
With effluents from Donald Trump.

Lawyers will form a solid clump 
Around the doors of Donald Trump
Sex, fraud and blackmail, chronic pain
To the misrule of Donald Trump.

Wealth and self-love the hot air pump
That lifted him while on the stump.
He'll come down with a mighty bump
The gilded con-man Donald Trump.

Richard Lawson 16/1/2016

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