
Friday, March 24, 2017

Stop MI5 surveillance of greens, enhance resources for anti-terror ops

Letter to my MP sent off this morning

John Penrose MP
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA

Dear John

The Guardian reported on 22/1/17 on a secret police unit that used illegal hackers procured through Indian intelligence services to read private emails of non-violent political campaigners, journalists and environmentalists, including Caroline Lucas MP and the peer Jenny Jones. The IPCC is investigating. In a related incident, in defiance of orders, the National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Unit has been shredding documents that relate to an IPCC investigation.

I trust you will agree that these actions, if confirmed, are unacceptable and incompatible with a fully functioning democracy.

In view of the pressing need to increase the resources available to police units monitoring real terrorist threats to our democracy from Islamic extremists and far right groups, it would be entirely reasonable to close down all units who monitor non-violent political parties and organistations and divert resources to monitoring real threats.

I would be very grateful if you will ask the relevant Minister why s/he will not follow this rational course of action?

Thank you.

Kind regards


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