
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Should Jacob Rees-Mogg be allowed to address the Commons on Hard Brexit?

Another stiff letter to my MP

Dear John

When I was on the District Council, there were very clear rules requiring Members to declare if they had a financial interest in any matter under debate. I assume that the same rules apply in Parliament, and I would be very grateful if you would show me the relevant passage in MPs' governance documents.

The reason that I ask is that that Jacob Rees-Mogg MP is a major shareholder in Somerset Capital Management which has $9.6 billion under management and specialises in emerging markets. He stands to gain significantly in the event of a hard Brexit as British traders will be forced into emerging markets.

Is it not the case therefore that Jacob Rees-Mogg should not be allowed to advocate in Parliamentary debate any measures that would tend to benefit Somerset Capital Management?

I would be grateful if you would raise this matter with the Commons disciplinary authorities.

Thank you

Kind regards

Richard Lawson


  1. Update: I have had a non-committal reply from my MP, but it doesn't matter as last Monday I sent a 3 page formal complaint to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards detailing the issue. Watch this space.

    1. Had a letter back from her, marked Private and Confidential. "I may say only this, that I may nothing say".

  2. I think I may say that the Commissioner agrees that Brexit will stimulate UK trade with the emerging markets. I can say no more, but correspondence is continuing.
