
Wednesday, May 08, 2019

If I were a Rich Man - Update


If I were a rich man,

diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle dum

All day long I'd lobby my MPs
If I were a wealthy man.

I wouldn't have to work hard.
I would offshore all my money in an overseas account
All that tax-free rolling in for me,
If I were a wealthy man.

I'd buy a mansion house with rooms by the dozen
Right in the centre of the town
And lend it out to the Minister's cousin
To make sure he doesn't let me down
There would be one long queue of MPs coming up,
And one even longer going down,
And some sitting round doing nothing, just for show.

I'd pay MPs to ask useful questions
For the Press to see and hear.
They will parrot anything I ask them
Now I have the PMs ear

I wouldn't mind a peerage
diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle dum
Maybe even Royalty for marriage
Once you've got the cash it comes.

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