
Friday, June 19, 2009

Iran Election: Khameni's speech

Ayatollah Khameni, ("K") Iran's Supreme Leader, is speaking, carried on BBC

I came in half way through, here it is:

... Admitting to corruption in Iran...Iran is one of the soundest systems in the world...we shd all fight agst corruption...12th June epic and historic moment...our enemies tried to cast doubt on absolute victory, our enemies antd to make it a failure, it has been registered (chanting )

Competition is ended...all voters will get divine reward...all votes are for revolution...IR wd not cheat (chanting ? allahu akbar?) mechanism wd not allow for cheating...11 million difference how can it be doubted (chanting) ... if doubt present proof, present through legal channels... (chanting)...must trust this election, or all elections in future will be doubted...

The chanting seems to be supportive. [Apparently they were chanting Death to America]

Western countries displaying enmity, the most evil is the British Govt... Elections are to settle differences at ballot box, not at street level...if after every election we get people on streets...(forgetting that the objections are to fraud)...people have been killed...Basiji have been assasinated (!!!!)...people beat up faithful students...street challenge not acceptable...challenging democracy itself...if not, consequences...(chanting)... I call on these dear friends and brothers (i.e. the pro-democracy protesters) to use legal channels...

Arrogant media USA & Europe...surfing...their tone changed...saw gatherings...they became hopeful...revealed their true nature...waiting for people to turn out...blaming mercenaries and intelligence agents for the street protests...Zionist claimed he spent $10m in Georgia and changed govt...

K denies fraud in the election...BBC commenter cuts in with voiceover (is this BBC censorship??)...[ I miss a bit due to phone]...Iran is standard bearer for Human Rights (!!!!!)...

The end.
90 minutes speech.

My impression: Khameni believes not so much in the holy Q'ran as in spin. He is in denial about the violence of the Basiji. He is a stranger to the truth. This speech is not good enough to let him hold on. Khameni is about to lose power. Inshallah.

[to be continued]

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