
Sunday, June 21, 2009

email on Iran to UK Representative in UN

To: HE Sir John Sawers
Permanent Representative of the UK to the UN

Dear Sir John

I am deeply concerned at what is happening in Iran.

There is substantial evidence that the election was subject to fraud, and it is very clear that the regime is using severe brutality and lethality in trying to supress legitimate, and what were intially non-violent, protests.

I am aware that direct intervention from the UK would be counter-productive, allowing the Iranian regime to characterise the protesters as stooges of the West, but I hope that you will, on behalf of the Iranian people, exert yourself in every possible way to persuade the Iranian Government that the violent and confrontational course they are taking is not in the interests of the Iranian people.

Many thanks for all your constructive actions in this matter.

Dr Richard Lawson

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