
Sunday, June 21, 2009

More Twitterings from Iran

Amir, the photographer who took this icon, has not been heard of recently. Hopefully he is in hiding. More of Amir's work on

What follows are excerpts and quotes from current twitterings. Quotes indicate a single tweet has been copied, no verification.

Ali Ardeshir Larijani, an influential Iranian Government member looks uncomfortable & unhappy during Ayatollah Ali Khameini’s discourse during Friday prayers on June 19. An academic specialist discusses the possibilities.

"Larijani was on TV, tryin to cool things down"

Is the CIA involved in the crisis? Video of American pundits, raising more questions than it answers, as is the norm when "Intelligence" matters are discussed. I am quite prepared to believe that they were involved, but this does not weaken the central evidence for the election being rigged, and the facts of the unacceptable violence committed by Iranian state agents.

"CNN: Calm Tehran today. Thousands of basijis on the street. most shops closed"

"Witnesses: Security forces surrounding headquarters of Iran's state television and radio"

Rumours that Moussavi has been arrested about one hour ago, then CNN denies this.
Moussavi asked for a general strike in this event.
Here is part of Mousavi's economic agenda.

"Iranian people are planning to go on strike in order to weaken the regime economically."

About 10,000 ppl Siting on Street at Gisha St. (North Tehran) No Police till now" 18:27 BST

Security forces surrounding Iran TV to defend them from the people?

BBC Footage of crowd forcing riot police to run.

RT tehran source: I Can Confirm Therre is Heavy Clashes at Tehran Pars Era Right Now, Protesters Making Fire on the Streets" (RT means a copy of an original tweet)

RT Medical staff at Hezar-Takhtekhabi Hospital in Tehran go on strike against the kidnapping of injured patients"

23 journalists and bloggers have been arrested since the election.

Ayatollah Montazeri, Iran's most senior dissident cleric, declared 3 days mourning for those killed since election"

Let's boycott Nokia for selling surveillance to Iran Govt so they can track cell and SMS"

There are rumours that Gov is losing control of army" -- If true the end is near"

Useful link giving contacts (including emails) for our UN representatives.

Video of Basij militia Teheran HQ in flames"

Five family members of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, a prominent Iranian politician and former president, were also reported to have been arrested, including his eldest daughter, for taking part in an illegal protest. - AlJazeera

skynews: reports that repeated gunfire can be heard in Tehran tonight".

More authoritative reports from CBS World Watch.

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