Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Question your Parliamentary Candidate on Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War

The main parties are making a tragic mistake in putting their faith in the theory of nuclear deterrence. 

In this election campaign it is up to us to question their beliefs, because it is pretty unlikely that journalists will challenge them.

Please copy this letter and send to all your Parliamentary Candidates, and make sure they answer the questions.



27 May 2024

Dear [name of candidate]

Congratulations on being chosen to be our Parliamentary Candidate. This letter comes to you from a member of MEDACT, which is the UK affiliate of 1985 Nobel Prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the re-ignition of the conflict in Israel/Palestine has resurrected debate about nuclear weapons and nuclear war.  The debate has always been polarised and emotionally charged, but the following questions capture the issue (see Appendix 1):

1.  Would use of nuclear weapons result in the destruction of human civilisation? (See Appendix 2)

2.  Is the nuclear deterrence system capable of failure? (See Appendix 3)

3.  Is it possible for humanity to reduce the number of nuclear weapons existing in our world to zero? (See Appendix 4)

There is compelling evidence (presented as Appendices that accompany this letter) that the answer to all these questions is an unambiguous YES.

We would be very grateful if you would give your own answers to each of the three questions.

To respond, please feel free simply to put YES or NO at the end of each question, or if you prefer, set out your thoughts in a letter of response (but please make sure that you answer the questions in your letter), and send your response to the address at the foot of this letter.

Many thanks for responding to these questions, and thank you for putting so much time and energy into this General Election.

Best wishes

[Name and address of constituent]





The Inventor’s Paradox is an approach to problems that starts by taking a view of the whole situation, looking at the principles of the case before diving into the details. If we can arrive at certainty at the general level, we can then apply this certainty to the specific problem. 

It can be very useful where the debate is encumbered with pre-conceived ideas and emotion, as is the case with the nuclear weapons debate.

It is true to say that

“If the consequences of the failure of a system would be totally destructive to civilisation,  it is reasonable for humans to use that system if, and only if, the probability of its failure is zero”.  

The statement is clear and easy to understand because it is general. If the failure of a system means 100% destruction, we may use it only if there is a ZERO chance of failure.

We then apply this general truth to the Nuclear Deterrence system, and it becomes clear that we can only use Nuclear Deterrence if there is a ZERO chance of failure.




There is an important preliminary attached to this question, which is:

Would it be possible to get away with a limited exchange, or would one nuclear detonation inevitably escalate into an all-out global nuclear war?


It is impossible to give a definitive answer to that question, but the only safe assumption to make is that if one weapon is detonated, there is a real possibility that an all-out, global nuclear war will ensue. The reason for this lies in the nuclear deterrence doctrine of first strike, which aims to destroy the opponent’s weapons before they can be fired. Once it is known that an opponent has detonated a nuclear weapon, the pressure will be on for supreme commanders to fire all their nuclear weapons before they lose them to a first strike, and in an effort to destroy the opponent’s remaining nuclear weapons. Although we cannot say that any exchange would inevitably lead to a first strike, it would be the height of folly for anyone to assume that they could use weapons in a limited tactical strike and believe that matters would then be allowed to rest by the opposition.


Unfortunately this limited tactical strike idea is the prevailing nuclear doctrine of the USA, Russia and other nuclear weapons states. 

 They consider that nuclear weapons could be used tactically, as an extension of a conventional military campaign. 

Therefore the answer here is, no, it would not be possible to get away with a limited exchange: we must assume that one nuclear detonation would in all likelihood escalate into an all-out global nuclear war.


So now for the main question: 

Would an all-out strategic nuclear exchange be infinitely destructive to human civilisation?  The answer here is a confident YES. 

The effects of all-out nuclear war have been comprehensively studied. It is known that in a nuclear war, millions of us would die immediately of blast injuries, crush injuries, and burns. Millions more would die more slowly of radiation sickness, infections, lack of effective medical care, and starvation. 

There are estimated to be at least 13,000 nuclear weapons in the world held by at least 9 countries, most of them held by the United States and Russia[1]. 

Toon et al in 2019[2] estimate that even a limited nuclear war between India and Pakistan involving about 250 nuclear bombs could bring about significant global cooling, where atmospheric soot from fires caused by the bombs would cut off sunlight for a period. This being so, the use of the global stockpile of 13,000 nuclear weapons would without doubt cause a “nuclear winter” lasting weeks, months or even years[3]. This will cause wintry temperatures throughout the year, across much of the planet. Absence of sunlight will mean crop failures and therefore starvation.

When sunlight returns, the effects of city and forest fires will have been significantly to increase the atmospheric CO2 load, exacerbating global warming. Species loss will increase, secondary to habitat loss. Of these, the loss of bees will be most important since cessation of their pollination services will lead to failure of such crops as survivors may try to plant.  


Economic growth after a global nuclear war would be unlikely, to say the least. In fact, a deep global economic depression is inevitable, until our civilisation will be reduced to a survival economy based around obtaining water, food, warmth, and shelter for the local group. Life would be short, cancers plentiful, health services would be rudimentary or non-existent, with food, water, analgesics, antibiotics, and other essential medicines in very short supply. 

Self-interest is likely to become the prevailing ethical norm, and government would be by gangsterism and rule by war-lords.


In summary, it is entirely reasonable to expect that an all-out nuclear exchange would lead to the end of human civilisation. 

In terms of the syllogism set out at the beginning, the consequences of the failure of a nuclear deterrence system would indeed be infinitely destructive to our civilisation. 

So the next question is this:

Is the probability of deterrence failure greater than zero?

The answer here is unfortunately also YES

See Appendix 3




Nuclear deterrence is a complex system comprising electronic sensors embedded in a command and control network composed of humans who are working to protocols interwoven with pattern judgments and evaluations which are affected by the emotional state of the individuals and groups that make the judgments. 

The groups themselves, particularly the supreme decision-making groups, are isolated from the body of humanity, and are known to be susceptible to a condition known as group think – defined as a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation realistically to appraise alternative courses of

action[4]. Moreover, the interplay of decision makers is now far more complex than in the days of the cold war, with nuclear-armed players coming on to the field who might not view the destruction of the prevailing world civilisation as a thing to be avoided at all costs, and we have other players already on the scene who believe that nuclear weapons could be used tactically without risking a strategic exchange.

In addition to this, supreme rulers are prone to human failure, either physical or psychological, which may affect their judgment. Dr David Owen has characterised this as the Hubris Syndrome[5].

There have already been at least 11 instances where the world came perilously close to nuclear war[6].   

A time  of global political tension and crisis, it is entirely possible that a mentally challenged President or Prime Minister, faced with a complex web of global and national crises, encountering false information from an error within the electronic detector system, could decide that a nuclear war was the only option.

In conclusion, it is entirely reasonable to judge that the probability of failure of the nuclear deterrence system is greater than zero[7].

Since the conditions of the statement in Appendix 1  have been matched, it is necessary for us to work to bring about a condition of zero nuclear weapons being held in our world.

Is global elimination of nuclear weapons a pipe dream, or is it feasible?

See Appendix 4







The quantity of nuclear weapons has already been significantly reduced.

The START I Treaty came into force in 1994 and has been extended twice, with the current START III due to end in 2026. 

Before this treaty, the USA and Russia had about 60,000 nuclear weapons between them. Now the figure is nearer 10,000.

This figure shows the approximate stockpiles in the world over time, showing the dramatic reduction produced by START, which should give us hope that further reductions are possible.



The Non-Proliferation Treaty has been in force since 1974. Unfortunately, the Nuclear Weapons States have not met their obligation under Article 6 of the Treaty to “pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control".

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) came into force in January 2021, and effectively makes the possession of nuclear weapons illegal. The Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) are ignoring the TPNW at present. 

The NWS are a tiny minority of the 193 states which comprise the United Nations, and as time goes by they will begin to feel their isolation more acutely. 

Measures such as the Periodic Assessment of Nuclear Executives will serve to highlight the responsibilities of leaders of NWS.



Intensive diplomacy and consciousness raising is necessary before leaders will begin to work on a plan to reduce the number of nuclear weapons on the planet to zero, but once they start to apply themselves to this vital task, the action plan is relatively simple.


Phase I

Russia and the U.S. cut their nuclear arsenals from over 5,000 warheads each to 1,100 warheads each.

Nuclear-armed states engage in direct talks to strengthen global stability, reduce nuclear risks, and set the stage for further arsenal cuts.


Nuclear-armed states commit to never using nuclear weapons first.

Phase II

Russia, the U.S., and China cut their nuclear arsenals to 300 warheads each. All other nuclear-armed states agree to not exceed this limit.

Nuclear-armed states continue direct talks to further global stability, strengthen monitoring and verification, and develop a framework for the Global Zero Accords.

Phase III

All nuclear-armed states negotiate, sign and ratify the Global Zero Accords, a binding international treaty that removes all nuclear weapons from military service within two years, and requires the complete destruction of nuclear warheads by 2045.

Phase IV

Universal prohibition, verification, and enforcement continues.

Source:  https://www.globalzero.org/reaching-zero/

Article 4 of the TPNW provides the official mechanism for the Action Plan to be implemented.  https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/tpnw-2017/article-4?activeTab=undefined

IN CONCLUSION, the use of nuclear weapons result in the destruction of human civilisation, the nuclear deterrence system capable of failure, and it is possible for the international community  to eliminate totally the presence of nuclear weapons from the world.

[1] h#ps://www.livescience.com/how-many-nuclear-weapons-exist

[2] h#ps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ar;cles/PMC6774726/

[3] h#ps://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.222.4630.1283

[4] Janis, Irving L. Vic;ms of Groupthink. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972, page 9.

[5]  [Owen, D, In sickness and in Power, Methuen 2008, ISBN 978-0-413-77662-4].

[6] h#p://greenerblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/11-instances-where-nuclear-deterrence.html

[7] [ii] Lachlan Forrow and others, "Accidental Nuclear War --A Post Cold War Assessment," NEW

ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Vol. 338, No. 18 (April 30, 1998), pgs. 1326-1331

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Question your Parliamentary Candidates on their understanding of Nuclear Deterrence


27 May 2024

Dear [name of candidate]

Congratulations on being chosen to be our Parliamentary Candidate. This letter comes to you from a member of MEDACT, which is the UK affiliate of 1985 Nobel Prize-winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the re-ignition of the conflict in Israel/Palestine has resurrected debate about nuclear weapons and nuclear war.  The debate has always been polarised and emotionally charged, but the following questions capture the issue (see Appendix 1):

1.  Would use of nuclear weapons result in the destruction of human civilisation? (See Appendix 2)

2.  Is the nuclear deterrence system capable of failure? (See Appendix 3)

3.  Is it possible for humanity to reduce the number of nuclear weapons existing in our world to zero? (See Appendix 4)

There is compelling evidence (presented as Appendices that accompany this letter) that the answer to all these questions is an unambiguous YES.

We would be very grateful if you would give your own answers to each of the three questions.

To respond, please feel free simply to put YES or NO at the end of each question, or if you prefer, set out your thoughts in a letter of response (but please make sure that you answer the questions in your letter), and send your response to the address at the foot of this letter.

Many thanks for responding to these questions, and thank you for putting so much time and energy into this General Election.

Best wishes

[Name and address of constituent]





The Inventor’s Paradox is an approach to problems that starts by taking a view of the whole situation, looking at the principles of the case before diving into the details. If we can arrive at certainty at the general level, we can then apply this certainty to the specific problem. 

It can be very useful where the debate is encumbered with pre-conceived ideas and emotion, as is the case with the nuclear weapons debate.

It is true to say that

“If the consequences of the failure of a system would be totally destructive to civilisation,  it is reasonable for humans to use that system if, and only if, the probability of its failure is zero”.  

The statement is clear and easy to understand because it is general. If the failure of a system means 100% destruction, we may use it only if there is a ZERO chance of failure.

We then apply this general truth to the Nuclear Deterrence system, and it becomes clear that we can only use Nuclear Deterrence if there is a ZERO chance of failure.




There is an important preliminary attached to this question, which is:

Would it be possible to get away with a limited exchange, or would one nuclear detonation inevitably escalate into an all-out global nuclear war?


It is impossible to give a definitive answer to that question, but the only safe assumption to make is that if one weapon is detonated, there is a real possibility that an all-out, global nuclear war will ensue. The reason for this lies in the nuclear deterrence doctrine of first strike, which aims to destroy the opponent’s weapons before they can be fired. Once it is known that an opponent has detonated a nuclear weapon, the pressure will be on for supreme commanders to fire all their nuclear weapons before they lose them to a first strike, and in an effort to destroy the opponent’s remaining nuclear weapons. Although we cannot say that any exchange would inevitably lead to a first strike, it would be the height of folly for anyone to assume that they could use weapons in a limited tactical strike and believe that matters would then be allowed to rest by the opposition.


Unfortunately this limited tactical strike idea is the prevailing nuclear doctrine of the USA, Russia and other nuclear weapons states. 

 They consider that nuclear weapons could be used tactically, as an extension of a conventional military campaign. 

Therefore the answer here is, no, it would not be possible to get away with a limited exchange: we must assume that one nuclear detonation would in all likelihood escalate into an all-out global nuclear war.


So now for the main question: 

Would an all-out strategic nuclear exchange be infinitely destructive to human civilisation?  The answer here is a confident YES. 

The effects of all-out nuclear war have been comprehensively studied. It is known that in a nuclear war, millions of us would die immediately of blast injuries, crush injuries, and burns. Millions more would die more slowly of radiation sickness, infections, lack of effective medical care, and starvation. 

There are estimated to be at least 13,000 nuclear weapons in the world held by at least 9 countries, most of them held by the United States and Russia[1]. 

Toon et al in 2019[2] estimate that even a limited nuclear war between India and Pakistan involving about 250 nuclear bombs could bring about significant global cooling, where atmospheric soot from fires caused by the bombs would cut off sunlight for a period. This being so, the use of the global stockpile of 13,000 nuclear weapons would without doubt cause a “nuclear winter” lasting weeks, months or even years[3]. This will cause wintry temperatures throughout the year, across much of the planet. Absence of sunlight will mean crop failures and therefore starvation.

When sunlight returns, the effects of city and forest fires will have been significantly to increase the atmospheric CO2 load, exacerbating global warming. Species loss will increase, secondary to habitat loss. Of these, the loss of bees will be most important since cessation of their pollination services will lead to failure of such crops as survivors may try to plant.  


Economic growth after a global nuclear war would be unlikely, to say the least. In fact, a deep global economic depression is inevitable, until our civilisation will be reduced to a survival economy based around obtaining water, food, warmth, and shelter for the local group. Life would be short, cancers plentiful, health services would be rudimentary or non-existent, with food, water, analgesics, antibiotics, and other essential medicines in very short supply. 

Self-interest is likely to become the prevailing ethical norm, and government would be by gangsterism and rule by war-lords.


In summary, it is entirely reasonable to expect that an all-out nuclear exchange would lead to the end of human civilisation. 

In terms of the syllogism set out at the beginning, the consequences of the failure of a nuclear deterrence system would indeed be infinitely destructive to our civilisation. 

So the next question is this:

Is the probability of deterrence failure greater than zero?

The answer here is unfortunately also YES

See Appendix 3




Nuclear deterrence is a complex system comprising electronic sensors embedded in a command and control network composed of humans who are working to protocols interwoven with pattern judgments and evaluations which are affected by the emotional state of the individuals and groups that make the judgments. 

The groups themselves, particularly the supreme decision-making groups, are isolated from the body of humanity, and are known to be susceptible to a condition known as group think – defined as a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation realistically to appraise alternative courses of

action[4]. Moreover, the interplay of decision makers is now far more complex than in the days of the cold war, with nuclear-armed players coming on to the field who might not view the destruction of the prevailing world civilisation as a thing to be avoided at all costs, and we have other players already on the scene who believe that nuclear weapons could be used tactically without risking a strategic exchange.

In addition to this, supreme rulers are prone to human failure, either physical or psychological, which may affect their judgment. Dr David Owen has characterised this as the Hubris Syndrome[5].

There have already been at least 11 instances where the world came perilously close to nuclear war[6].   

A time  of global political tension and crisis, it is entirely possible that a mentally challenged President or Prime Minister, faced with a complex web of global and national crises, encountering false information from an error within the electronic detector system, could decide that a nuclear war was the only option.

In conclusion, it is entirely reasonable to judge that the probability of failure of the nuclear deterrence system is greater than zero[7].

Since the conditions of the statement in Appendix 1  have been matched, it is necessary for us to work to bring about a condition of zero nuclear weapons being held in our world.

Is global elimination of nuclear weapons a pipe dream, or is it feasible?

See Appendix 4







The quantity of nuclear weapons has already been significantly reduced.

The START I Treaty came into force in 1994 and has been extended twice, with the current START III due to end in 2026. 

Before this treaty, the USA and Russia had about 60,000 nuclear weapons between them. Now the figure is nearer 10,000.

This figure shows the approximate stockpiles in the world over time, showing the dramatic reduction produced by START, which should give us hope that further reductions are possible.



The Non-Proliferation Treaty has been in force since 1974. Unfortunately, the Nuclear Weapons States have not met their obligation under Article 6 of the Treaty to “pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control".

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) came into force in January 2021, and effectively makes the possession of nuclear weapons illegal. The Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) are ignoring the TPNW at present. 

The NWS are a tiny minority of the 193 states which comprise the United Nations, and as time goes by they will begin to feel their isolation more acutely. 

Measures such as the Periodic Assessment of Nuclear Executives will serve to highlight the responsibilities of leaders of NWS.



Intensive diplomacy and consciousness raising is necessary before leaders will begin to work on a plan to reduce the number of nuclear weapons on the planet to zero, but once they start to apply themselves to this vital task, the action plan is relatively simple.


Phase I

Russia and the U.S. cut their nuclear arsenals from over 5,000 warheads each to 1,100 warheads each.

Nuclear-armed states engage in direct talks to strengthen global stability, reduce nuclear risks, and set the stage for further arsenal cuts.


Nuclear-armed states commit to never using nuclear weapons first.

Phase II

Russia, the U.S., and China cut their nuclear arsenals to 300 warheads each. All other nuclear-armed states agree to not exceed this limit.

Nuclear-armed states continue direct talks to further global stability, strengthen monitoring and verification, and develop a framework for the Global Zero Accords.

Phase III

All nuclear-armed states negotiate, sign and ratify the Global Zero Accords, a binding international treaty that removes all nuclear weapons from military service within two years, and requires the complete destruction of nuclear warheads by 2045.

Phase IV

Universal prohibition, verification, and enforcement continues.

Source:  https://www.globalzero.org/reaching-zero/

Article 4 of the TPNW provides the official mechanism for the Action Plan to be implemented.  https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/tpnw-2017/article-4?activeTab=undefined

IN CONCLUSION, the use of nuclear weapons result in the destruction of human civilisation, the nuclear deterrence system capable of failure, and it is possible for the international community  to eliminate totally the presence of nuclear weapons from the world.

[1] h#ps://www.livescience.com/how-many-nuclear-weapons-exist

[2] h#ps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ar;cles/PMC6774726/

[3] h#ps://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.222.4630.1283

[4] Janis, Irving L. Vic;ms of Groupthink. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972, page 9.

[5]  [Owen, D, In sickness and in Power, Methuen 2008, ISBN 978-0-413-77662-4].

[6] h#p://greenerblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/11-instances-where-nuclear-deterrence.html

[7] [ii] Lachlan Forrow and others, "Accidental Nuclear War --A Post Cold War Assessment," NEW

ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Vol. 338, No. 18 (April 30, 1998), pgs. 1326-1331

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Escalating the Israel - Hamas conflict

 Today's MP Letter  



John Penrose MP

House of Commons

London SW1A 0AA




Dear John


I write to express my deep concern regarding your Government’s escalation of the conflict in Gaza.


I will make clear at the outset that I support the right of the State of Israel to exist and I condemn the foolish and inhumane attack carried out by Hamas on October 7th. I also condemn the ongoing massacre and destruction that Netanyahu is carrying out in Gaza. I feel deeply ashamed that my country is supporting Netanyahu’s inhumane assault on the civilian population of Gaza. Like the majority of British citizens, I am on the side neither of Netanyahu nor Hamas, but on the side of humanity.


You will claim that Israel has a right to defend itself. Netanyahu’s offensive is the opposite of a defence of Israel. It is creating hatred and resentment across the world, not just against Israel as a state, but against Jewish people everywhere. Even if Netanyahu could kill every last member of Hamas, he is acting as a recruiting sergeant for the Hamas terrorist operation of the future, whatever it may be called.


As you know, the Houthi attacks on shipping will have a devastating effect on world trade and economy, including the UK economy, with another round of fuel price inflation to be expected. The declared aim of the Houthi attacks on shipping is to bring an end to Netanyahu’s attack on Gaza. Your Government’s attacks on Houthi missile capability will not mend the situation in good time, as it is the mere possibility of attack that makes shipping avoid the Red Sea. Instead, your action is just going to make the outlook for global security worse.


During the recent ceasefire, Houthi attacks were reduced. It is likely that a ceasefire in Gaza, coupled with intense diplomatic efforts, could succeed in restoring shipping through the Suez canal far more quickly than military action. Needless to say, ceasefire and a new round of serious diplomacy and peace talks is what the world needs to end the agony of Gazan civilians massacred on a daily basis.


The other problem with your Government’s chosen course of action is that it represents an escalation of conflict in a time of generalised international tension, with Putin already engaged in Ukraine and both Putin and the West engaged in Syria. Escalation is the last thing that the world needs right now. If escalation does not stop, global nuclear war is a distinct possibility.


De-escalation is clearly the best path to take.  Polls on October 19th 2023 showed overwhelming support for a ceasefire (58% believe we definitely should have a ceasefire, 3% believe we definitely should not have a ceasefire  http://tinyurl.com/bdzjr9rx ).  All wars come to an end eventually. A just and sustainable  peace is the only realistic future for the Middle East and indeed for the entire world. It can only be obtained when political attention shifts away from the theoreticians of war to those who have realistic plans for how human societies everywhere can work to produce the water, food, energy, shelter and waste management in a sustainable way.


I would be grateful if you could outline how, in your view, the British Government can defend its support for Netanyahu and its policy of escalation of the Netanyahu-Hamas conflict.








Thursday, October 19, 2023

Netanyahu's broken concept of defence

 "Israel has a right to defend itself" has become the mantra that Sunak uses at all media opportunities.

But what does "defence" mean?  Does "defence" give Netanyahu permission to reduce the northern half of Gaza city to rubble along with any people in the area in order to bring about the annihilation of all members of Hamas? Is that what "defence" means?

No, defence in this context means anticipating the terrorist attack mounted by Hamas on October 7th, using the world famed intelligence skills of Mossad. Defence means realising that Hamas was going to react to the perceived outrage at what was happening at the Al-Aqsa mosque. Defence means listening to and acting upon the advice given by Egyptian intelligence agency three days before the attack. Defence means closely monitoring the physical fence between Gaza and Israel, and reacting swiftly to repel any invasion. In all of these defensive moves, Netanyahu failed.

Instead, Netanyahu believes that he has a right to operate a definitive solution for Hamas: he wants to annihilate them by bombing their buildings and - presumably - gas them in their tunnels (because how else can he get them out?). He is trying first to clear the human shield used by Hamas, which is why he has ordered the civilians in northern Gaza to leave their homes before he flattens them.

Netanyahu believes that this is a fine solution to his problems. His calculations are simple. If Hamas has 10,000 members, and he kills all 10,00 of them, then Hamas has zero members, and the Hamas problem is solved. 

The reality is not so simple. Not only will many Hamas members will have moved out of North Gaza City with the civilians, but also for every Hamas member killed, another Hamas member will be created because of the grief and hatred caused by the killing. "He that is killed will always kill again". Hamas, or another hate-motivated anti-Israeli movement will arise from the ashes and rubble of Netenyahu’s “solution”.

Netanyahu's actions are not defensive, they are designed to relieve emotions of anger and hatred and express the desire for retribution, but they are not going to solve the problems of Israel in the long term. Defence means long term planning to reduce hatred on both sides, for instance, collaboration in meeting the needs of both communities in Israel-Palestine for water. Defence means working with peace-loving citizens with both communities. There are at least nine cross community citizens’ organisations in Israel Palestine – The One Voice Movement, the Parents Circle family forum, Hand in Hand – Centre for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel,
Peace Now, Combatants for Peace, The Peres Centre for Peace and Innovation, EcoPeace Middle East, The Palestinian-Israeli Journal, and Women Wage Peace. If these organisations were given a louder voice in broadcast and written media, hope might be a slightly stronger emotion.

There is more, much more, to defence than bombing people and houses to smithereens.