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Richard Lawson. On how not to saw off the branch on which you are standing.
Florence Nightingale In the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, thousands of people with no nursing experience are about to be faced with...
Not more grammatical confusion...
No, this bit is perfectly proof-read. Does "peeps" confuse you? It is short for "people". It will be in the Shorter Oxford in a few years, you mark my words.
Oh no, I was talking about you're vs your.
Have a look at the previous posting on this. It is an intentional ambiguity or dual meaning, with a creative tension between your and you're, put there to attract the attention of grammarians.
Its as simpal sa htat.
PS I blame the teachres. Htey shuold taech tuoch typing and speeling in skool.
But it makes my brain hurt... Although I am bad at typing, I am good at spelling and I know where to put my apostrophes.
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