Saturday, October 14, 2023

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result


Israel has a right to defend itself - yes, for sure

But Israel does not have a right to break international law in a misjudged process of  revenge and destruction in an attempt to stamp out terrorists once and for all.

Netanyahu must realise that he cannot exterminate Hamas physically. Even if he could magically destroy every member of Hamas tomorrow, it would not solve his problem, because Hamas is an expression of hatred, nor a finite number of people.

By killing Hamas, Netanyahu is generating yet more Hamas. 

This issue can and must be solved by dialogue. 

They may say “But there have been dialogues before”. 

True, but also there have been wars before, and we still have wars.

Einstein said “Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result”. 

These wars always create more wars.

War is irrational. Negotiation involves reason. 

By going to war, Netanyahu is expecting too much of his generals and his soldiery. 

The risk for the world is too great. 

If “War is the continuation of politics by other means”, the “other means” here is in fact the abandonment of rationality. Real politics, great politics, statesmanship, involves intense thought and vision. 

Let us hope that somewhere in the political world there is a group of people who have the vision, intelligence, and communication skills to get us out the highly dangerous tragedy that is the Middle East in 2023.

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